Richard Butler Creagh: Ways to Get in Better Financial Shape
07:20Richard Butler Creagh on Ways to Get in Better Financial Shape
Welcome to the Richard Butler Creagh blog. Henley Finance was established in 2013 by Richard Butler Creagh with the view to offer a unique way of offering short-term bridging finance specialising in loans between three months to a year, of between £100,000 to £1,000,000 for the professional property developer. The concept of the company was devised purely from responses to clients' needs, and the experiences of borrowing in the sector.
With the new year now underway, you may be looking to make a fresh financial start. But sometimes change can be tough to actually achieve — especially when it comes to your financial life.
So how can you get your finances in shape? Here are some tips you can utilize.
Start Saving. Saving is a concept that has been advised and practiced by financially concerned persons from ages. The old & famous Aesop’s proverb says ‘Save for a rainy day’ proves the same. A person with good income and without any saving is like a flowering plant that floats in water. It definitely has a beautiful outer impression but the slightest wave of water is just enough to float it away.
Start an Emergency Fund. Life is unpredictable. You never know when your car will need repairs or when your air conditioner will go on the fritz. Having an emergency fund is the best way to prepare yourself financially for those times. If you don’t have an Emergency Fund yet, don’t let that amount hold you back!
Kill Debt. Debt will hold you back from experiencing the kind of life you want. Take it a step further by tracking your spending to find areas to cut back on to free up more money to throw at the debt.
Diversify the Source of Income. A passive income is a must for financial growth. If you own a full-time job then you can start a side business to earn some extra money or reduce the debts.
Embrace Automation. Life gets busy, which makes it easy to forget our financial goals. Managing our money often is at the top of the list of things we overlook when life gets busy as we simply don’t take the time to do what we know is best. Automation can help you in everything from saving for retirement to simply saving money.
Stay Healthy. The above-mentioned tips depend largely on this tip. As we all know that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Taking good care of health is a way of being not only physically healthy but financially healthy too.
When one understands the importance of financial planning and works accordingly, he will certainly attain financial freedom without much struggle. Contact Richard Butler-Creagh on the Henley Finance website. Read more about Richard Butler Creagh online here and join the Richard Butler Creagh professional network on Linked here
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